EAN sets up the Ean NEuro-covid ReGistrY (ENERGY)

In light of recent evidence suggesting that COVID-19 may involve the central and peripheral nervous system, the need for a structured data collection has become important. The EAN has set up an international patient registry to gather neurological complications of COVID-19 disease and pool this data across hospitals and research centres around the world.

EAN has launched the Ean NEuro-covid ReGistrY (ENERGY): more than 230 healthcare facilities in 67 countries have requested to join and contribute data so far.

The main objective of the registry is to provide reliable data on neurological manifestations in the patients who tested positive on the COVID-19 disease from different regions across the world.

You can find more about the registry in EAN’s press release here.

Healthcare facilities interested in joining the Registry and providing the data can apply here.